Restaurant review: Empire Asian Buffet
Move over Kelly...
Restaurant review: Manitou Pancake & Steak House
Our waitress lady was real warm and friendly and informed us that there's a great breakfast buffet on Sat and Sun. In general, the place seemed like a real genuine local fave. Deb, Charlene, and Lar said that the place is always packed and smells great when they bike by in the mornings. Their hours are 6a-2p.
President's Day / Incline weekend
Go USA!!
Charlene at the end of the second incline up
Charlene and Larry on the way down the second time. So beautiful on the way down.
Awesome trail running.
Stuff of legend.
Me and Larry at the top. We're only smiling because our mouths were frozen in that position.
Deb and Charlene. I left my red jacket at home.
This is scary. My hair looks like a koosh ball (remember those?) Not to mention it's white. And I have whiskers. Kids, remember to wear a hat when it's cold and snowy outside.
New Music: Micah P. Hinson
Check out his MySpace to listen to some songs: http://www.myspace.com/micahphinson
Band's website: http://www.micahphinson.com
The Incline!!
Now for all you non-cspring'ers and people that have never visited me, the incline is a BEAST hike. It's probably one of the most unique hikes you'll ever encounter. Located in neighboring Manitou Springs just 15 min away from my house, the incline is a local fave...the remnants of the old railway that went up the first 3 miles of Barr Trail that eventually goes all the way to the top of Pikes Peak. It's only 1 mile from bottom to top...but it looks like it goes pretty much straight up. When you look at it, you just think "A train actually went up this thing??" or "What crazy people would even think to build a train going up this??" It's an incredible workout climbing those 3,000-some railroad ties (I tried counting once and I think that's what it was), and even after doing it countless times, it's still rewarding getting to the top. Two pieces of advice for inexperienced hikers: 1. Pace yourself and 2. There's no such thing as too slow at the bottom. There's no other hike like it.
I plan on using the incline as a staple in my training to get back into rockin shape. My lifetime best up is 31:30. So far this year, I've been 49 (two weeks ago), 38 (last week), 37:30 (yesterday), and 36:20 (today). hopefully I can keep bringing that down and then do it crouched down lower and lower.
It's a long way up there!!
Looking up from about 2/3 of the way up. That's actually not the top either. There's a false summit (as if this hike weren't cruel enough).
Vancouver, here we come.
Can you tell we're amateurs?? I mean, just check out my bike helmet! And look at this guy's curling uniform!
Kelly Clarkson is so my girl.
The Road to Vancouver 2010 pt. I
Pete's having some problems seeing his target
Check out that concentration!!
And the smooth release. (On a later attempt, he totally wiped out. It was great.) Oh, and that guy in the background is actually a modern day viking. No joke.
The ice is very dirty.
Yeti sports / Super Mario Bros
And for all you old school Mario Bros fans:
Int'l Snow Sculpture Championships
No pics of the nosebleed, but here's one of Brooke (who normally boards with just a head band and sunglasses) trying to cover herself from the winds.
Over the weekend, Breck hosted the International Snow Sculpture Championships so the sculptures were still up when we were in town. Now you're probably thinking "wtf, how cool can that be?" Well let me tell you...it was pretty freaking incredible. Teams from all around the world carved out huge blocks of hard snow into these amazing sculptures. Unfortunately, I didn't have any real good pics that did these things justice in terms of how big they were.
This one was my fave and it was also this year's winner. A dog looking into a mirror. (The "reflection" was another carved out dog.)
Here's me checking to see if anyone's home...