Russell's Wild and Crazy Adventures

Yeah I know. I'm jumpin on the bandwagon and doing the trendy thing of starting a blog. I figure with all the pictures that I take whenever I do anything, this'd be cool.


Take a guess!

How many times do you think we're going to do a bathroom/gas/food stop during the drive?

Dragon says 12. I say 14.

Dragon / Russell Roadtrip IV

4th Colorado roadtrip since Jan 2006! We're somewhere in the middle of PA now and just got some New Kids On The Block "The Right Stuff" on the radio, but Dragon switched the station and settled for GNR "Don't Cry". seriously. Anyway, I'm freaking sick in the passenger eating some healthy BK chicken tenders in the shape of a crown, while Dragon is getting mad at the night time construction speed limits. We have about 9 more hours of driving to get to Cincinnati, and about 14 hours to do it before the 1pm ballgame. sounds like a good time.