Russell's Wild and Crazy Adventures

Yeah I know. I'm jumpin on the bandwagon and doing the trendy thing of starting a blog. I figure with all the pictures that I take whenever I do anything, this'd be cool.


Troops in airport

Does anybody remember this Budweiser commercial during the Super Bowl? The one with the troops walking through the airport and everyone applauding?

Well I saw that twice while I was sitting in the Atlanta airport for two hours today and each time I just had to put everything down and watch. All of the soldiers were assembling in Atlanta before heading off to Iraq...they assembled on the second level and then paraded through the terminal in groups (I'm assuming on the way to their airplane). They walked through the main area where all the restaurants are and everyone cheered and clapped, and I thought that was super awesome. A lot of thoughts went through my head...about a lot of those troops being my age, what they were headed to, why they were going, and hoping they all would come back...totally crazy stuff.

If you can't view the commercial on the link, you can browse to it from the Bud site.


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