Last summer CO adventure...
And what a way to end it! The day before leaving CO for a month, summitting Pikes Peak with Seagal and George. Man it was awesome. The first time Seagal and I did the Peak via the Crags, there was a ton of snow and ice on the ground. The ground conditions were way better this time, allowing us to get up in 3 hr 11 min instead of the 3:45 last time. I tell you. I think I could do this hike a thousand times and never get tired of the view. Climbing above treeline and looking doesn't get any better than that. SO vast. Trees for miles and miles, with the mountains as the backdrop. I can't even begin to describe how amazing, how inspiring it is. It's a steep incline, but it's the views that really take your breath away.
Just about 3/4 of the way up, the clouds started rolling in. By the time we got to the top, there wasn't much to see. After enjoying a cheeseburger, hot dog, and fries at the top, we started crusing on the way down...and we couldn't see crap! Seriously. We lost the trail so many times and when we spread out to look for it, if one of us got more than 25 yds away, you couldn't see them! It def would have sucked to do this hike without a buddy.
Great trail, awesome friends, totally rewarding end. You can't beat that. Can't wait for next summer.
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